Friday, July 17, 2009

"Appli" Here

The appliances arrived today! Woo hoo! I have to say that Sears is good, very good! Delivery and the installation ended up being free (other places who shall remain nameless weren't so kind). The installers were super-duper nice and I just have to remember a couple of things, which I shall put here for my own recollection and every one else's:

1) Our range came in perfect condition out of the box, except for a small dent in the drawer. Luckily, Sears was on top of it and they're sending out a replacement which should be delivered on Sunday. I was willing to live with it, but they weren't, so that's pretty awesome - oh, and did I mention that will be free?

2) We have an interior water filter for the Fridge, which is super-duper nice because then it doesn't take up valuable space inside the freezer, which is never fun! I just have to remember to change the filter every 6 months. The delivery person, Tony, let me install it myself and it's just a matter of twist and click. I think I can handle that!

3) The first 2 gallons of Fridge water and the first bucket of ice have to be tossed due to all of the grody water.

4) ...and lastly, I highly recommend shelling out the extra dough for Energy Star Appliances if you can. Not only do they cost less per month to operate, but we are getting a $50 rebate from the State of Oregon for a special program with our refrigerator as well as a $50 tax return from the federal government. Uncle Sam isn't all bad! Not only that, but I feel good about living a little greener. One step at a time, my friends :-).

The only bad news today is that it's about 95 degrees out. Yuck! therefore, I'm hanging back at the rental as we have no A/C at the new house. Sigh...trying to stay cool!

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